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Competition X-Change

A collaboration between different regional chapters of ASCOLA, who have come together to explore what competition law jurisdictions around the world can learn from each other, to further scholarship and enforcement in the area of competition law.


This project was started because we believe that we can learn not only from the experiences in a few 'leading' jurisdictions, but from the actions of every single agency around the world. We all have interesting experiences to share.


Join us for our launch event on 26 November: 'Competition advocacy & competition culture'.



Upcoming Events

  • Competition advocacy and competition culture
    Competition advocacy and competition culture
    Thu, 26 Nov
    26 Nov 2020, 13:00 CET
    26 Nov 2020, 13:00 CET
    Representatives of competition agencies of four different jurisdictions (El Salvador, Kenya, Colombia, Hong Kong) join Dr Wendy Ng to share their experiences of competition law and culture.

Get in Touch

If you have questions about this project, don’t hesitate to reach out.

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